Creating a legacy we can be proud of

The gifts of nature are essential to brew great tasting beer, so we are committed to run our business in harmony with nature. Not only for us, but also for generations that come after us.


Our beers come from nature, whether it is water, hop, yeast, barley or any other crop we use. To bring moments of joy to our customers, we need to care for the planet as well.


We believe that differences accelerate innovation and enhances creativity. By 2030, we aim for an equal balance of executive women in leadership teams.

At Asahi, we are not just thinking about the present, we are also looking ahead to the future. And we set our standards high. This comes both with the taste of our beverages and how we act as a company.


We believe that our legacy will not only be the joy we have created with our drinks, but also the people we have worked with. The consumers who drink our beers. The farmers. And even the planet itself. Only a positive impact on all those combined can make a legacy we can be proud of.

Our goals for the planet

Carbon Neutrality

Green Electricity in our breweries by 2025


2.75 litres of water per litre of beer brewed by 2030

Sustainable Sourcing

100% of ingredients sourced in a sustainable way

Circular packaging

100% reusable or recyclable packaging

Our goals for the people

Inclusion and well-being

Equal share of female executives in leadership teams by 2030

Responsible Choices

20% share of non-alcoholic products in our portfolio by 2030

Responsible Choices

Providing more choice for consumers

To view our latest Legacy 2030 report

Sustainability across the Asahi Group

Access the Asahi Group Sustainability Principles and Environmental Principles.

Sustainability in our companies